Current News About CBSE Moderation
Matriculation School in Kumbakonam Current News About CBSE Moderation The governing authority of the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has announced sweeping changes across the board with regards to its moderation. Some of the rules are hard to follow and it has caused confusion among parents and students alike. If you are having trouble keeping up, don’t worry. Let’s Practise has got you covered. Mandatory Board Exam The first major change that the CBSE has made is turning the 10th Board Exams from an optional test into a compulsory affair. Recently, the CBSE Governing Body has made Class X Board Exams mandatory from 2018. Back in 2011, CBSE did away with the policy, but now they have brought it back. It will no longer be up to the students if they want to take the exams. According to the announcement made by the governing body, the exams would have a weightage of 80% with the remaining 20% for internal assessments. HRD Minist...